Now that Halloween is over, here’s something scarier
November 2, 2022
Now that Halloween is over and trick-or-treaters aren’t knocking on your door, here’s something scarier.
Criminals could come breaking down your door instead, and get a slap on the wrist for robbing you.
The King County Prosecutor’s Office recently started up a “diversion” program for juveniles that keep them out of the courtroom and a jail sentence for first-time offenses including robbery and burglary. The county plans to roll out a similar program for adults. The program operates entirely independent of the judiciary.
How that program is operated and whether criminals under it go free or go to jail will all depend on the next prosecutor – and you get to make that choice.
If you haven’t voted already, don’t worry. It’s not too late. You have until Election Day, Nov. 8th, to complete your ballot and mail it. If you’ve already voted, congrats! Reach out to your friends who haven’t and remind them to vote. If they’re not registered, they can do so here.
And while you’re at it, send them this candidate comparison grid to help them decide which candidate they feel is best suited for the position.

Remind them that this is the most important local race in the state of Washington this election. With overall crime up throughout the region, a massive backlog of cases to be prosecuted, and a demoralized prosecutor’s office, who you vote for in this race will determine the future of public safety in King County.